せんりゅうはとてもいいですね。このことばはたくさんたすける。せんりゅうはおもしろいとむずかしいとかんたんですよ。Plus, it's an easy topic to use for these blog posts.
Rough translation: My book,It's not that easy, But, hang on.
Rough translation: Foreigner, why your heart is blue, I wonder.
Rough translation: Ah! the answer is just a bit more ahead of me, hurry!
1) 毎度(まいど)、人は私のみどりノートを読みました、人が分かしませんでした。ポエムズをかきますはむずかしいですね。ときどき、私はもうとうをできません。でも、私は古いポエムズをもういちど読みます、私はうれしいになる。だから、私はもとううかきます。The thing is there are several ideas that I feel are consistently overlooked. Take for example, a birthday poem. What about it makes it a birthday poem? Try the number of lines, like one I did not too long ago with lines per stanza, 1, 2, 2, 9. 私のたんじょうびは12月29日。Oh yeah, and to get some of my writings, you have to be a gamer. Lastly, my current goal is fill half of my composition notebook with poetry. I honor my words, so I won't quit.
2) いちばん、あおは私のだいつきいろです。(There's also a story of a past experience that makes blue more than just a color to me, but for this one, that detail is unnecessary.) ときどき、私はこの世界(せかい)の外人を思えます。I thought、’子はなんでは人はたなしいですか?It doesn't matter if 子はこたえを分かりません。 こがだれですか?知りません。でも、和の子 would be a good idea. And I mean, myself as a child, back when games were my sanctuary.
3) たくさんしつもがあります。私はなぜここにいるのか?(Why am I here? Learned this phrase thanks to SSBM in 日本語 and ミューチュー ^_^ ) どして、私を書きます? Why the hell am I taking 日本語 if language is not a part of an engineer's curriculum? One can say, life to me right now is a cloud, a fog of sorts, but it can't stay that way forever. The typical teenager angst about life. こたえは私の近くにあります。私はもうとう強い人になる。今、勉強がいります。(think of this 勉強 as learning experiences) どんあしつも・もんだいのこたえがみすけた?知りません。